Nino & Mael

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Members' comments

Love you Ni, so gorgeous with lovely body and nice lips to kiss.


Belami means beautiful friend--and these guys, like all of these guys, are beautiful! Thank you, Ni and Mael!


Two very beautiful guys - 5 Stars for each Ni and Mel (for the clip only 4 because t a full sex final action but nevertheless a good one).


Even with a slim body, Ni has such awesome muscular definition.


Delicious premises! Beautiful young couple! Mael is charming and attractive! Ni is Ni, a pure jewel!!! See you later...


Two of Belami's best of the next generation!


I absolutely love Ni! He is so gorgeous and has become a superstar! More more more!


Ni is a stunner, and Mael is very fetching. Can’t wait to see the scene with Raphael (ather beautiful Hungarian) on Saturday. The scene looks like one of, if t, the best scenes of this whole Summer Break period.


Ce casting est d'un érotisme a couper le souffle rien de semblable jusqu'à ce jour. Ni est d'une grande beauté un véritable Appolon. Ni et Mael sont très harmonieux dans cette séance photos. Faites-les jouer ensemble dans une scène .Encore une fois merci pour ce délicieux moment passé avec ces deux minets.


10 stars for Ni and 5 stars for Mael that i don't kw, anyway booth very very nice


This is a fantastic couple, Ni with his intriguing beauty and Mael with his smirky smile make a fabulous match. Next to his 'flawless beauty' (dixit Geoffrey) Ni possesses a strong sense of sexuality and a sweet personality, which to me makes him one of the top models of the newest generation. Mael is cute and sweet with a dick of amazing beauty. He seems rather affectionate, a quality I admire in a model. It would be nice when we could see these two guys together more often in the future.


Ni and Mael are so cute and beautifull together. What a couple! For me the couple of BA right w! Can't wait for a scene together. A scene without direction or what so ever, just the two of them having what they want. I think that would be hot with the right camefra work!!


Mael is a lovely young man, and I look forward to his scene with Raphael. Ni's brief appearance in one of Kevin's video diaries (KA#22) made me an instant fan. Although very different physically, Ni and Christian possess a flawless beauty, while Ni is surely the most charismatic Freshman.


Agree with Pancho! Beautiful and erotic. Nicely done. The new boy, Mael seems to be promising.


Oh my, this has to be one of the most erotic and beautifully filmed casting videos that I've seen on BA/FM in years, Ni & Mael are a gorgeous couple


Agree with sinjin123: looking forward to a full-on fuck scene between Ni and Mael. But, they make a nice caasting and this scene is certainly entertaining.


cant wait for them to fuck...the potential bottled passion t used ...oy vey so so painfully sexy and is a god-in-the-making and mael is scrumsexiously uberlecker!!!!!!!


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